Dwyer德威尔 DM-2004-LCD DM-2005-LCD DM-2006-LCD 压差变送器


Service:Air and non-combustible, compatible gases.Wetted Materials:Consult Factory.Accuracy:±1% FS, ±30 Pa model ±4% FS at 70°F.Stability:±1% FS/yr.Temperature Limits:20 to 120°F (-6.67 to 48.9°C).Pressure Limits:10 psig (0.69 bar).Thermal Effect:±0.055% FS/°F (0.099% FS/°C), ±30 Pa model ±0.13% FS/°F (0.234% FS/°C).Power Requirements:10 to 35 VDC (2 wire).Output Signal:4 to 20 mA.Zero and Span Adjustments:Digital push-button zero and span.Loop Resistance:DC: 0 to 1250 Ω maximum.Current Consumption:DC: 38 mA maximum.Electrical Connections:Screw-type terminal block.Display:3.5 digit LCD, 0.7″ height.Process Connections:1/8″ I.D. tubing.Mounting Orientation:Vertical.Weight:4.8 oz (136 g).