Dwyer德威尔 650-1 650-2 650-3 温度变送器


Input:Silicone-junction transistor.Output Signal:4 to 20 mA DC.Power Requirements:12 to 35 volts DC.Accuracy:±0.3% FS @ 20°C (68°F).Linearity:Within 0.25% of span.Thermal Drift:Less than 0.5% of span over ambient temperature range of 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F).Probe Construction:6″ long, 0.25″ O.D. Type 304 SS.Temperature Limits:Ambient: 0 to 70°C (32 to 158°F).Temperature Limits (Probe):204°C (400°F).Probe Cable Length:7 ft (2.1 m).Voltage Stability:Output error less than 0.01% of span over the specified supply voltage range.