Dwyer德威尔 MBLT-2SB_2SC-IVPF_IVPM_VVPM_VVPF 液位变送器传感器


Service:Compatible liquids.Wetted Materials:Body and nose: 316 SS; Cable: Polyether polyurethane or ETFE; Seals: Fluoroelastomer; Label: Polyolefin.Accuracy:±0.25% or ±0.10% FS. 4.3 to 4.9 psi (10 to 11.54″ w.c.) configured ranges are ±0.30% FS accuracy.Temperature Limits:-4 to 176°F (-20 to 80°C).Compensated Temperature Limits:0.25%: (0 to 70°C); 0.10%: (0 to 60°C).Thermal Effect:0.25%: ±0.45% FS TEB; 0.10%: ±0.30% FS TEB.Pressure Limit:2x FS.Power Requirements:Current Output: 10 to 33 VDC; Voltage Output: 8 to 33 VDC; 5 mA max (no load).Output Signal:4 to 20 mA DC 2-wire or 0 to 5V* (model depending). *Consult factory for additional outputs.Response Time:< 50 ms.Max Loop Resistance:1000Ω @ 30 VDC (current output).Voltage Output Impedence:10Ω + 4.4Ω / 100′ cable (voltage output).Electrical Connections:Wire pigtail.Mounting Connection:Suspended below point being monitored.Electrical Protection:Surge/lightning protected per EN61000-4-5, Class 5.Weight:Body: 0.235 lb (0.107 kg); Cable: 0.037 lb (0.009 kg) per foot.Agency Approvals:CE.